Matlab prezentacja nowości dla nauczycieli akademickich

W ostatnich dniach maja organizujemy cykl seminariów dla uczelni poświęcony wykorzystaniu oprogramowania firmy MathWorks do efektywnego nauczania. Zapraszamy do udziału wykładowców oraz osoby zajmujące się badaniami naukowymi. Zaprezentowane będą wirtualne laboratoria, a także projekt prowadzony wspólnie przez uczelnię oraz naszą firme i MathWorks.

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Alex Tarchini

Born in Genova in 1962, since 1982 he has worked in ICT, initially developing firmware for numeric control systems, then spending three years at the computing data center „Sergio Borgogno”, developing Finance applications for the public administration.

From 1985 to 1990 Alessandro Tarchini worked in Stratos – a company providing services to Aerospace and Defense, as a consultant to aerospace companies, representing Italy in international project teams defining and developing processes for the engine management in the civil aviation business.

In 1992, after moving to Teoresi, he expanded his interests to software systems for number crunching, modelling and simulation; since 1993 Tarchini has worked in favor of advanced numerical analysis techniques facilitating the adoption of MATLAB in Italy. In 2002, when the Italian operations of MathWorks Inc. were opened, Tarchini was appointed as the managing director of the new company.

After managing MathWorks Italian operations for 10 years, Alessandro has now moved to the role of EMEA EDU Business and Market Development.