AGH University of Science and Technology
Faculty of Electrical Engineering,
Automatics, Computer Science
and Biomedical Engineering
Post-graduate studies

Faculty offers the following post-graduate studies:

Nazwa studiów podyplomowych:
Kierownik studiów:
Computer Science and Management prof. dr hab. inż Ewa Dudek-Dyduch E:
M: 607 587 780
T: 12 634 15 68, 12 617 28 30
Software Engineering dr inż. Radosław Klimek T: 12 617 28 30,
bld. B-1, r. 310
Fee: 4300 zł (2 semesters)
Electronics Automation prof. dr hab. inż. Wiesław Wajs T: 12 617 28 30
bld. B-1, r. 310
Computer Control Systems and Digital Control prof. dr hab. inż. Witold Byrski T: 12 617 28 30
bld. B-1, r. 310
Modern Computer Graphics dr hab. inż. Tadeusz Szuba T: 12 617 28 30
bld B-1, r. 310
Fee: 3000 zł (2 semesters)
Informatic Projects Management dr hab. inż. Jan Werewka T: 12 617 28 30
bld. B-1, r. 310
Fee: 4900 zł (2 semestrs)
Quality of Electrical Energy dr inż. Andrzej Firlit T: 12 617 44 58
bld. B-1, r. 104
Effective Use of Electrical Energy dr inż. Ryszard Klempka
T: 12 617 28 01
bld. B-1, r. 117
Fee: 5000 zł (2 semesters)
Selected Aspects of High Voltage Electrical Power Systems prof. dr hab. inż. Barbara Florkowska T: 12 617 28 86
bld. B-3, r. 110
Power and control systems of electrical devices in Underground Mining Plant prof. dr hab. inż. Stanisław Piróg T: 12 617 28 01
bld. B-1, r. 117
Fee: 5500 zł (2 semesters)
Programming of Web Apps dr Paweł Skrzyński T: 12 617 28 30
bld. B-1, r. 310
Fee: 4000 zł (2 semesters)
AGH University of Science and Technology
The Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Automatics, Computer Science and Biomedical Engineering

al. A. Mickiewicza 30
Pawilon B-1
30-059 Kraków

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